As a writer you need to have a platform online to build your business and following. When you look to choose your social media platforms, it can be overwhelming which one to work with and manage.

From a creative perspective you need to choose the platform that:

  • You’re comfortable using.
  • Connects to like minded people.
  • Supports the creative edge you want to display.

So why Twitter?

I’ve been using FaceBook for several years and for multiple business, used YouTube for a podcast, Pintest for other business ideas…but Twitter felt like the best fit as a writer.

One, you have to be precise in what you want to say within a limited character space. Which sounds intimating, but it forces you to communicate with intention.

Secondly the audience you want to reach is easy to find and build. Plus the quality of interaction is refreshing to find!

Networking on any platform is a dance within itself. You can post, blog, video yourself all day long, but if you don’t reach out and actually connect and talk to people on those platforms – then you’re missing great opportunities.

Opening yourself to listen to others and be able to understand where they’re coming from so that you can offer solutions to what they’re looking for – is rewarding.

Caring does matter. Give a shit about others will allow people to see you’re for real and worthy of following and learning more. Once they learn to trust, like and follow – they will buy what you have to offer.