Cut the overwhelm and let’s get this done!

Professional sites YOU CAN build and maintain!

What do I mean by building a platform and why do I need one?

The fact is, whether you are self-publishing or going to use a traditional publisher you need to have an author platform to get your name and book out there!

A platform online is your space to have a website and/or social media.

Why do you need a website as an author? It shows you are legit. You are a professional and this is who you are and what you do. A website is your calling card, store front, a place that’s real, informative, and allows people to contact you.

  • It should have your bio where your readers can learn more about you and your work and passion.
  • It should be informative. What’s your book about? Can it solve your readers problems or help them forget them for a while?
  • Do you have other books in the works? When will they be coming out? Can they get updates?
  • It should offer them a way to buy the book. (After all that is the goal 😉!)
  • It should allow your reader to see testimonials, and to be able to leave reviews too.

There are two ways to build a website. One is by using coding (yuk!). The other is by visually creating as you go. So much has changed over the 20 plus years I’ve been building websites. Today you can easily create a website using WordPress templates.

There are of course steps to take to get from point A to point B. You have to choose a domain name (your and then select a hosting services to place the domain on to. From there you can start to build the website by downloading WordPress.

Sounds simple enough and you can learn the steps through countless YouTube videos or you can sign up for my course and we’ll go through it step by step!

Add your social media is crucial to build your followers and lead them to your website to learn more or click to buy!

It doesn’t have to be a technical nightmare to get it all done! Having easy steps, discussing what’s needed and why, will walk you through the process.

Classes starting soon! Contact me to get your name on the list!